Connections Matter Here for you

Dementia has a snowball effect and ricochets through our relationships

Dementia does indeed ricochet throughout our relationships, and throughout the social network.  It is not only the person who is living with the condition who is affected, but family and friends, work colleagues, and many others.  Conflict and discord can escalate where conflict and discord may have previously been manageable.  Difficulties in relationships can emerge, which can actually create a barrier to connecting with the person now living with dementia. 

Sometimes familial conflict can even seem insurmountable.  I speak from experience. 


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The confusing thing about memory

Memory is one of those things. Memories can be pleasant and shared experiences, if you have those around you to share such occasions with you. Yet, at the same time, memories can be different for each person who was there. Memories can also be just recollections, a memory without any particular emotional association. And memories can at times bring a smile in the moment and much joy, to then bring tears, especially if the individual or individuals are no longer with us.


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What's happening to our world?

With everything that is going on these days it makes me wonder just what is happening to the world. Compassion, kindness, love and respect seem to be waning. Results from the Australian National Census 2021 indicate faith is on the decrease and mental ill-health on the increase. We hear in the media of corruption, bullying, abuse. Some of us experience it first hand. So my musings have me question, is the waning of faith and the lack of understanding and compassion somehow interconnected?


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Have you ever turned your back on someone?

During this Easter season let us continue to be mindful that we do not turn our back on someone just because he or she is different, or because of cognitive or physical abilities or disabilities. We can all be guilty, if not intentionally, then unwittingly, of denying another person's existence. 


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Staying Connected

As many of you will know dementia is an umbrella term that refers to a number of conditions that can create difficulties with memory, comprehension, orientation and sometimes personality, depending on the area of the brain that is affected.

There are, however, any number of conditions that can cause these difficulties, so it is always important to have a medical check-up if you or someone you know displays any of these symptoms.

If in the event the underlying cause is a form of dementia, then eventually there will be changes in our relationships. For most of us these changes can be difficult to accept. Everything can become very different. And these changes can affect not only close familial and friend relationships, but extend to other relationships, which for many can result in fragmentation of their social network.


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