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Dementia Resources

It can be a confusing maze of information when you are learning about dementia. So we have selected a few digital resources to help you find your way through, and learn some essential information. We hope you find them helpful.

International websites

Don't know where to start? These websites may provide some useful information to help your understanding of dementias.

Overview of dementia, presented by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (USA)

What is Dementia?

Overview of dementia, presented by the Mayo Clinic (USA with offices globally)


Overview of dementia, presented by the National Health Service (UK)

About Dementia
Causes of Dementia
Dementia and Relationships

Overview of dementia, presented by the
World Health Organisation (Global)


Inside the Brain: A tour of how the mind works, presented by Alzheimer's Association (UK)

Part 1: Brain Basics
Part 2: Alzheimer's Effect

Reports presented by Alzheimer’s Disease International (UK)

Overcoming the stigma of dementia
World Alzheimer’s Report 2012

Attitudes to dementia
World Alzheimer Report 2019

Dementia Resources Library

The Dementia Resources Library was developed and housed by The Brotherhood of St. Laurence until it found its home with Eastern Regional Libraries in Ringwood, Victoria. The library contains a range of resources, from stimulation to relaxation, for people living with dementias. Relatives, friends and professionals in supporting roles have found these resources valuable. As the catalogue is available online you can source items from the comfort of your home or workplace. Join the library to borrow.

You can find the library collection here -
Eastern Regional Libraries Dementia Collection


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