Reach Out

Time for a New World

'Scrolling' and 'swiping' seem to be taking over our lives! Obviously I want you to scroll through pages on this website! But only if it helps you. Otherwise, time would be better spent feeling the grass between your toes. But what you will not find on this website is external advertising.

Picture of a flyer on a post communicating desire verses need which adds to global overconsumption.
At this time of year however, the advertisers are going big, with various sales in full swing. Advertisers are working overtime to get people to part with their money, by manipulating us all into acquiring something we probably really don't want, let alone need. Not to say that it's not good to get a bargain, but as my father used to say 'a bargain is only a bargain if you need it!'

But we all know businesses want to make money, in many ways I am no different. I have bills to pay like everyone else. Money is one of those necessary evils - we all need money to get by. But what astounds me are the lengths some businesses will go to tantalise, tease, and entice.  Telling you about the latest ‘must haves’, the product that you just ‘can’t do without’.  To the point that any sense of social responsibility, any sense of ethics, is simply thrown out the window. Just visit an 'informative' website and you will be bombarded with ads; businesses trying to sell you something - whether you need it or not!

Picture of a man with his hands on his head yelling in frustration of global overconsumption.
other electrical gadget to take up space in the cupboard or on the benchtop, yet another present for the kids, another piece of jewellery, another jumper, pair of shoes, dress, jeans, jacket, you name it.  Another pack of sweets or box of chocolates!  Then yet another pair of jeans because the ones you bought a few months ago no longer fit, because you’ve over indulged because of some new ice cream or from being stimulated from watching the latest food show. It’s all so mind numbingly easy.  Scroll, scroll, tap, click - done.  With express or same day delivery there is a real sense of urgency about shopping these days.  It has become a real ‘tap and go’ society - for all manner of things. I won't start to talk about dating!

Picture of scrabble tiles spelling out ‘simple’ in reference to global consumption.
So, the point of this blog, is the ease of technology and shopping, and just how much businesses try to manipulate.  If we had to walk 2 or 3 miles to go to the shops to acquire items we actually needed, and then lug everything home again, we might think twice.  And if we gave some thought to the millions of people struggling to survive, emotionally and financially, we may discover a different perspective to our own spending.  And the media may discover a different angle to their stories, other than promoting Christmas shopping, queues at the airport with people who can afford to go on holidays, and big family Christmas dinners! Let us keep in mind that not all people celebrate in the same way.

Picture of a woman walking on a beach carrying a stick across her shoulders with two baskets containing goods in opposition to global overconsumption.
So maybe it’s time to move away from the distractions and the scrolling, and turn our attention elsewhere.  I mean do we need the latest mobile phone or latest gadget?  I mean really need? Obviously some people may need the "latest" gadget, but most people's ability to get by would not be compromised without it.  Having the "latest" gadget or "look" is more about desire than need, and the advertisers seem to do a pretty good job with their hype at duping people into "buying" what they are selling. After all, the advertisers create the desire! Mind control!!!
Black and white picture of a person lying alone on a bed looking at a mobile phone in a time of global overconsumption.

It's all too easy to scroll - then click or swipe.  All too easy to not connect with what’s around us.  And yet many people are feeling more lonely now than before we had this ease that technology brings. Technology should be allowing us to be with others, not creating more separation and less connection. 

Picture of the back of a yellow teddy bear sitting in grass on the edge of a lake in winter appealing for an end to overconsumption.
So, with what is happening in our world, there needs to come a time for stronger connections, a time for unity and solidarity.  A time for conscientious consumption.  Years ago, kids were happy with a cardboard box, especially if the child sat in it and someone dragged them around the room!  They didn't need expensive gifts. It was all about imagination and creativity. Simple, inexpensive fun; fun that connects.  Too much 'stuff' simply breeds a lack of appreciation.

Picture of a hand holding a dandelion communicating need for unity in a time of global overconsumption.
So, in these difficult times in which we find ourselves as a global community, in which many people struggle in this country and around the world, please join with me to pause for a moment in solidarity with those who don’t find it easy, with those who won’t be going 'shopping'.  Let's put aside our overconsumption, hatred or intolerance, and sit in silent solidarity with those with whom we don’t feel an affinity.  May we find a sense of appreciation, even where our values and beliefs may differ. May we have the maturity and wisdom to accept our differences, and still 'sit' together, figuratively or physically. 

Picture of shop front displaying sale signs with two large open umbrellas and a bag of belongings in the entry as sign of contradiction and global overconsumption.
It's time for a new world.  With less focus on rights and more on responsibilities.  A new world that says there’s more to society than consumption and consumerism.  A new society that knows that Christmas is not about presents, but about love. Afterall, the Christian scriptures do not confess intolerance but tolerance, not hatred but love, not division but inclusion. For the story goes that the one who was seen as a neighbour, was a Samaritan, the despised peoples of the time. He was the only one to come to the aid of the man in distress after he had been beaten and robbed; he was the one who showed mercy (Luke 10:25-37). If we can unite in love like this, we may be able to prevent some of the desperation and anxiety of this world.

Black and white picture of a man in a mall holding a sign communicating ‘seeking human kindness’ in contrast to mass intolerance and global overconsumption.

So, let us all sit in solidarity - with those who are struggling, be that emotionally, physically, or financially, through invasion or turmoil, and with those who have plenty, and become
one people, trying to find a way to a new world.

Stay safe. 
Until next time.

We wish you a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas and Holiday Season.
Picture of three red candles on a dark background communicating peace at a time of global intolerance and overconsumption.

Check out Dr. Wendi K's latest Dementia Blog 'Listening for understanding'. Wendi talks about the everyday difficulties of communication, even when dementia is not on the radar. And shares a personal story about one of her own relationships.

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